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Case Study Week 4 Journal 1

Case Study Week 4 Journal 1

Q In order to subscribe to the strengths perspective and focus on applicant/clients’ strengths, one must be able to identify and dwell upon his or her own strengths. Using Dennis Saleebey’s questions to assess strengths (p. 189 of your text), write a Strengths Perspective Reflection about yourself. Choose two questions from each of Saleebey’s first five categories of questions (Survival, Support, Exception, Possibility, and Esteem) and respond to them. You will respond to a total of 10 questions (two from each of these five categories) in your reflection.

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Answers to Dennis Saleeby’s questions: Survival Question: How have you managed to survive (or thrive) thus far, given all the challenges you have had to contend with? For me, the answer to this question will be simple. I always tell myself that I need to survive and I do not have an escape. The fact that I cannot flee and I will have to thrive, given with no other option encouraged me to survive and explore.